Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hunger for MORE!

Today I finished the Mockingjay!
For the last couple weeks I have been
enthralled in these three books!
Jeremy and I have been both listening via
I am hoping Jeremy finishes up soon.
Hopefully tonight on the three hour drive to see me he can
I feel like I have a secret that I am having a hard time keeping!

Pinned Image

So excited for the movie!
Not too much longer!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Aw, just look at those eyes!


Baby Bonobo Monkey (by James Hopkirk)
so so sweet!
Just makes me smile!

Look what Disney Nature has coming out in April!
We will definitely be going!

  • Chimpanzees are the most social of all the apes living in communities of between 15 and 120 individuals.
  • Their communities are often split into a number of subgroups with a male as the leader of the group.
  • Males seldom leave the community where they were born.
  • Females often migrate to a new community during an adolescent estrus period.
  • Chimpanzees travel mostly on the ground (terrestrial) by knuckle walking.
  • Chimpanzees groom each other daily, and this activity has an important social function of calming and comforting individuals and solidifying bonds with each other.
  • Mothers often travel alone with their offspring.
  • They construct nests at night in which to sleep.
  • Chimpanzee males in the wild cooperative hunt for meat.
  • Their diet is mainly fruits with regular amounts of insects, as well as birds and small mammals.
  • Chimpanzees use tools to gain access to food, such as fishing for termites with sticks fashioned for the job and cracking open nuts with anvil-like rocks.
  • Females in estrus have a prominent swelling of the pink perineal skin, lasting two to three weeks and occurring every four to six weeks.
  • Females give birth every 4 to 5 years and their gestation period is 8 to 9 months.
  • Chimpanzees have a long mother-infant dependency period where infants will nurse on their mothers for 5 years and stay with their mothers several more years learning to care for younger siblings.
  • The life span for chimpanzees is 40 to 50 years in the wild and over 50 to 60 years in captivity.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Eagle Vs Shark

Love and I watched this a few weeks ago
(it had been on our list of movies to watch for some time)
 I just  adored this movie!
 You can't help but love Jarrod and Lily,
It made me smile, laugh ( a lot ) and cry ( just a bit)
Watch this movie!

off you go

Friday, March 2, 2012

Somewhere ...... Anywhere

Welcome to my
you've found me at my new
Why Over the Rainbow?
Well, it's pretty simple.... I Love COLOR
the brighter the better!
Color makes me Happy
I am in NEED of some Happy!
Aren't we all!

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.

If you have found yourself here.... my Somewhere
a big happy hello
to you!